
In the sea depths, divers saw 28 transparent spheres: There were plants that normally grow on land

"Bus shelter": Man who has buried 42 buses underground finally lets people inside

This seemingly tiny mobile home with a greenhouse has everything necessary for a comfortable life in just 320 square feet space

Millionaire offers a woman $100,000 during the flight, but she refused: What he asked her to do

"It's our own business": Mother criticized for her 4-year-old daughter still wearing diapers

"My nasty neighbor is putting trash cans on my curb since he does not want to spoil the view of his yard"

To pay for university, the girl donated her egg, and 18 years later she finds out she has a daughter

Architect spent all his savings on a 3-feet empty space between two buildings: A year later, the passageway became a three-story house

Man bought a dilapidated house and lot for next to nothing, but when he started clearing the yard of grass, he realized he gained much more

Woman got a tiny plot of land after divorce, and now a lot of people dream of living there

Expectant mother cat ends up on the stairs with a note that reads "Please help us"

Tourist brought a ball of seaweed from the beach, but an hour later the creature started moving its tentacles

All organic, no bills: Couple from a city apartment moves to live in the woods

Sixty years ago, a scientist sealed a garden in a glass bottle: The plants inside have been doing without water and air all this time

Grandmother comes to meet her newborn grandbaby and finds out that her daughter was hiding the truth

"They were still holding hands": archaeologists have made a discovery proving that true love exist

After her sister left, this girl decided to tidy her room up: It wasn't easy to cope with the piles of junk

Why it's so important to put kids to bed no later than 9:00 pm: Experts give the answer

Couple buys an abandoned factory and turns it into the house of their dreams in two years