
Firemen saved the life of a mountain lion kitten: The lion cub was constantly crying

"He did his best": 45 cats found abandoned in the home of a man who was trying to help them till the end

Mama cat rejects her kitten because of its small size

Kangaroo baby hugs its mother and moves the whole world to tears

"I'm ready to help": Tiny trucker has won hearts of people around the world

"Mother's love": When this white dog saw a snow-white kitten, she took it for her puppy

Friend's support: Puppy acts as a stool for a sibling to climb the stairs

Man dozes off in the garden and wakes up with a kitty on his chest

Couple decides not to give up on a newborn kitten abandoned by its mom and do their best to nurse it

Dog abandoned in a shelter believed his owner would come back for him

An experiment conducted by a farmer: what will be the reaction of the eagle if it is put a chiken egg

“When my wife left me, I decided to take in an unwanted cat»

Family adopted a doggie and the pet has totally transformed their special daughter who can't see

Kitten with huge eyes made the woman fall in love with her with one look

Two cats have been nominated for a good deeds award

Long-awaited reunion: Woman couldn't believe her luck when she saw her missing dog again

Man finds a sleeping dog in his car: Pooch doesn't just happen to be there

Young stray cat seeks help from bus company employees

Cat who has recently become a mom won't let anyone near her kittens, except for the dog who is her best friend