
Carpenter spent all his free time in the barn, and five years later he rolled out a 36-feet-long yacht: People saw a real masterpiece

Treasure in a sock: Family finds their great grandmother's legacy worth a fortune

Unique baby has been born carried by two mothers taking turns, details

"Preserving the beautiful": What the houses the owners of which refused to cut down the trees look like

My husband stopped flushing the toilet: At first I was outraged, but now I follow his example

Rare gemstone was assessed at millions: Finally, it was polished that led to its depreciation in value in 20 seconds

Abandoned dog wanted to find his owner after being betrayed

Carpenter led a humble life and lived in a small house: Years later it turned out that he had saved up millions for an important mission

Jeweler was working on a ring when the diamond started to move: The man took a closer look and saw an ant carrying the rock away

Cat dressed up as fictional characters promotes a library increasing its attendance manifold

"I couldn't believe it": Farmer becomes a millionaire overnight after finding a large diamond in the ground

"Chinese wonder": puppies look exactly like little pandas, details

"World’s strongest baby": Baby girl supports her head in the maternity ward and stands up at 8 weeks

Giant stingray jumps into a fishing boat and gives birth to four pups

One case per million: a week after a miscarriage, a small heart continues to beat in the womb of a 31-year-old mother

Puppy trapped in an old well looks up in hope

Man buys a garage full of junk and shows what he found there. He even was able to get rich

These guys are not afraid of challenges: brothers cheaply bought a house that hadn't been cleaned for about 40 years

The couple buying a barn first were perceived as crazy. But it is worth seeing what they did with it