Lakhan Yadav, an ordinary Indian farmer, has been incredibly lucky and he hopes that the future has many pleasant surprises in store for him. The man had a small lot not far from the Panna diamond mines. But one day the government demanded that diamond mining stop and that a tiger sanctuary be established on the land around the mines. The big cats had left the area almost a hundred years ago, but returned when the humans and their noisy cars disappeared from their territory.

As compensation for the eviction, the Madhya Pradesh government gave the farmer some money with which he bought two hectares of land and two buffaloes to work the land. He also replaced his old bicycle with a new scooter. Yadav says it was his nephews who insisted on the upgrade.

Now 46, the farmer has worked hard all his life and is used to getting by with very little. When Yadav discovered the treasure on the lot he was leasing, he couldn't believe his eyes. The man had probably hoped for good luck when he leased a tiny lot near the diamond mines. However, when he found a solid lump of earth he thought it was just dirt. Still, he decided to check it out. He rubbed the "dirt" between his fingers, and it sparkled.

Source: Unsplash

Yadav happened to find a 15-carat diamond on his property. He received 6,000,000 rupees (about $80,0000) for the treasure. So in one day the poor farmer became a millionaire.

The man is not going to buy a car or house. "I am an ignorant man," Yadav admits. He has deposited all his millions in the bank so that when his children grow up he will be able to afford the best university for them. May they have a better future, the farmer believes.

Yadav hopes to find another rock. He renewed the lease for the lot for a few more months, and day in and day out he keeps digging the earth. It is quite possible that he will succeed. India has been known as the largest supplier of diamonds for more than 3000 years.

Source: novochag

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