One can tell the age of a tree by the number of its rings, and it is true for people as well because our neck is one of the areas that reveal our true age: the more rings and wrinkles in this area, the older a person looks. And, unfortunately, this area is one of the most neglected.

Source: marieclaire

Who's to blame?

First of all, it is important to analyze all the causes of neck lines. And some of them are rooted in childhood. When a baby suffers a birth injury and cervical trauma, the neck muscles contract to reduce pain. As a result, the baby's neck shortens, making the skin fold.

If this problem is not fixed at an early age, the symptom will remain with the person for life. In addition, a visually short neck can be a consequence of acquired injuries that cause the bones of the skull to shift and become misaligned. The neck is forced to adjust in order to support the head through constant muscle tension. Externally, this is manifested in the characteristic neck lines and rings.

Source: marieclaire

Other causes

Of course, injuries are not the only factor of neck rings formation. Other causes that should be kept in mind are as follows:

  1. Improper posture
  2. Lack of physical activity
  3. Improper exercise
  4. Stooping due to the regular lowered position of the head during work
  5. Age

All this also affects the condition of the neck and worsens its appearance.

Source: marieclaire

Starting to talk about solving the problem, it should be noted that creams, serums, and other cosmetic products do not solve the problem of neck rings. Facials and injections produce only a temporary effect, because they affect external symptoms only, and do not eliminate the very consequences of trauma.

How to get rid of neck rings?

1. Osteopathic treatment

One should begin with the elimination of the consequences of birth and acquired traumas. Only then will the effect of cosmetics, fillers, and other procedures be long-lasting. First it is necessary to restore the position of the bones of the skull, ensure free blood flow, as well as relieve muscle tension in the neck. All this work can only be done by an osteopath.

Source: marieclaire

2. Exercise

This includes general physical activity and exercises that can be done at home to boost the effect of the osteopathic treatment. The neck is part of the whole body, and if one is fit, the neck looks better either. Combined with cosmetic procedures, all these steps yield good and long-lasting results. It is especially recommended:

  1. Yoga under the guidance of an experienced instructor
  2. Aerobic exercise
  3. Walking
  4. Swimming
  5. Stretching and relaxing exercises for the neck.

It is important that the neck is a delicate area. Do all of these exercises slowly and very carefully!

Source: marieclaire

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