Many people like to travel, but there is always an unpleasant part of the process and that is packing. Few people like this process, but the same can’t be said about Elizabeth Childs from Tacom

Elizabeth is a 19 years old student, who was getting ready to go to the Winston-Salem State University to study, so she needed her packing to be done. But there was a problem: there are a lot of stuff and only one bag. But she managed the process and made it so well that everyone on Twitter was completely shocked.

That's how many things there were in the beginning

Here are all the things Elizabeth had to pack: 50 items of clothing and 9 pairs of shoes. Elizabeth has only one bag for everything. Will she be able to pack it all?

Here's the result!

And this is the result

Impressive, isn’t it ? And what's more stunning is that it only took her 15-30 minutes to pack all of her stuff.

Elizabeth shared her achievement on Twitter. Some users simply refused to believe it: «I don’t believe you packed all that with the shoes» or «She must be lying, there must be another bag».

Some users asked about the weight of the bag: «Does the bag weigh more than 50 Ibs?» Elizabeth answered all at once: « To all those who said the bag was over 50 Ibs. With God's help, it turned out to be 42,5 Ibs».

And some users doubted that the zipper on the bag would be fastened. So Elizabeth closed the bag and showed it in the photo with the caption "Just leaving it here because people keep asking to see it buttoned up".


Others, on the opposite, asked for a tutorial. In the comments to her post they wrote: «Teach me how to pack, because now I have 50 bags for 2 travel days».

Well, here are some of Elizabeth's packing hacks. As for shoes, she made a video showing that there was a lower compartment in the bag , where all shoes were folded.

Lower compartment in the bag

As for other stuff, the girl noted that there is no magic in it. A large roomy bag and twisting things instead of folding them is the whole secret.

Anyway, the girl showed an excellent example of the compactness. It may seem difficult, but all you need is will.

Sourse: Daily mail

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