A woman managed to get the entire inheritance from her rich grandmother leaving her brother Loren Krytzer with an old blanket. The man took it as a keepsake, and for the next seven years it lay forgotten in a trunk. Later, by pure coincidence the man learned the real value of the "rag" that was estimated at $1 million and his sister found out about it.

Loren Krytzer. Source: YouTube screenshot

Those seven years were not easy for Krytzer. He lost his lucrative job and had to make do with odd jobs. In the evenings the man would sit in front of the TV and as it turned out, not in vain.

One evening Krytzer was watching Antique Tour on TV. Specialists in antiquities travel around the country and appraise old things from locals in different cities. The program showed how an Arizona retiree found out that his blanket was actually made by Navajo Indians and was worth half a million dollars.

Source: trendymen

"You know, it was akin to a revelation. I paused and went to get that same old blanket. It was exactly like the one on TV!" Krytzer later told reporters.

Of course, the man didn't think he could get that much for the quilt and was only hoping for two or three thousand dollars. He took the blanket to a local auction house and there the experts immediately realized that they are dealing with a truly antique item.

Source: trendymen

Krytzer's "old rag" turned out to be a 19th century Navajo hand-stitched blanket. The auction was set for the next day, with the bid reaching $1 million. And the irony is that Krytzer's story was shown on TV, and his sister who had cheated him out of his inheritance found out about the blanket.

Now Krytzer is happily married and he doesn't need to think about money. The man recalls the story of the old blanket with a smile on his face.

Source: trendymen

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