For a city dweller, going to an outdoor toilet might seem awful! But in some off-grid places with limited access to indoor plumbing, an outdoor toilet can be the only option. Some people consider this sanitation facility a nightmare place, which is as a rule an uncomfortable, rickety, and dirty shed, often made of unhewn boards, without light and with a terrible smell... It is cold in winter, full of insects in summer, dark and creepy all year round, it is not a place to think about eternity.

But some people have been able to make their outdoor toilet cozy and comfortable. Just take a look at these creations!

Source: storyfox

Source: storyfox

Source: storyfox

Source: storyfox

Source: storyfox

Source: storyfox

Source: storyfox

Source: storyfox

Source: storyfox

Source: storyfox

Source: storyfox

An ordinary box with sawdust helps to get rid of unpleasant odor

Source: storyfox

Source: storyfox

Source: storyfox

Source: storyfox

Source: storyfox

Traditional wooden toilet is the best option for freezing temperatures

Source: storyfox

For warmer climates, the option with extra ventilation is the best!

Source: storyfox

Source: storyfox

Source: storyfox

Source: storyfox

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