The pilot of a private jet flew up to a high altitude and started shooting video for his own blog. But after a few seconds his attention was caught by a strange object, approaching the jet at high speed. Shifting the lens the author of the video shot the object closer: as it can be seen in the video it is obviously triangular.

Source: trendymen

From the geotags, it is clear that the video was shot near the Rocky Mountain in Nevada. The pilot did not provide any other data, only noting that the object flew very close and that it was moving too fast for any aircraft.

Source: trendymen

At the same time the supposed technical device seemed not to track the private plane. The object disappeared from view instantly. The pilot made a circle to try and find it, but couldn't see anything.

Source: trendymen

The author posted the video on Reddit, where the first comments were skeptical. However, then an enlarged frame from the video was posted in the same thread. The video featured a metal object moving quickly and smoothly. It flew very close to the plane:

What the pilot encountered in the sky is still unclear. The object does not visually resemble an airplane.

Source: trendymen

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