Panitan Rattanatumn from Thailand has recently spotted a black dog sitting on the side of the road with a bowl of food left next to him. The pooch looked abandoned and miserable, so the man decided to take him in. Surprisingly, the dog calmly got into Panitan's car, as if he was already familiar with such trips.

Source: pets.mail

Source: pets.mail

Panitan tried to find the dog's owners, but all his attempts yielded no result. It was rumored that the dog was dumped right on the curb, but despite this cruel betrayal, he had been waiting all this time for his owner. Rattanatumn quickly got attached to the dog and named him Lucky.

Source: pets.mail

After a week, however, the dog ran away. As it turned out, he walked 10 miles and returned to the spot where he was found and where his owner had previously left him. Panitan took Lucky back and thankfully, the doggie is no longer trying to escape. He is now showered with love and care!

Source: pets.mail

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