
All the organs of the dog stopped working, but its powerful heart continued to pump blood throughout the body

Wise money management: how a millionaire woman lives at the farm after getting rich

«Broke the record»: an italian woman gave birth to a healthy baby at the age of 101

Girl saved the newborn squirrel and didn’t regret it: the animal's gratitude wasn't long in coming

Bear went out of the woods and came up to a woman. She did not run away, but just stood motionless

Man bought a puppy at the market, but realized that he had been cheated when the "puppy" started eating watermelons and roaring at night

Mongrel cat of insane sizes got into a Philadelphia shelter. Now everyone wants to take it for themselves

"True devotion": Man takes his dog unable to walk for a cart ride around the park

Puppy was floundering about in water unable to withstand the current: Man worried that he would not come in time

"Never going out of fashion": how women who have decided to wear their hair gray look

New owner discovers a door into the secret garden that has remained untouched for 40 years. Now the man makes money on it

Old, but good: the girl bought an abandoned police station and turned it into a dream house

"Mother's love": Mama rhinoceros rescues her baby stuck in a swamp

"Unforgettable day": Momma moose turns a man's backyard into a nursery

Human appearance will change in 1,000 years: what a man from the year 3000 may look like

Dog who couldn't see was walking for five days in the freezing cold to the girl he had chosen as his owner

"Heart of gold": The story of Ginny the dog who once became Cat of the Year

Old lady is selling a house she renovated 72 years ago, and it's charming

Man's sound nap in the company of cats brings the shelter a whopping sum of money, details