It's not surprising that all parents consider their kids to be the best. However, sometimes babies have really amazing abilities.

Source: lemurov

Lula Finn-Johnston was just eight weeks old when she was able to stand without assistance for the first time in her life. Moreover, she could support her head just five days after birth, surprising everybody around her.

Interestingly, the baby girl was born weighing just 5lbs 9oz. Crawling wasn't Lula's cup of tea as well, so she made several attempts when her father tried to sit her on his knee she just stood up taking her own weight.

Source: lemurov

Lula's parents, Tezra Finn-Johnston, 31, and Emily Derrick, 23, were amazed by their daughter's ability.

"Our daughter must have the genes of our distant ancestors, who were more powerful than modern humans. Of course, I can't give other parents advice on how to give birth to such a child. For us it is a great surprise and miracle," Lula's mom said.

Source: lemurov

Soon afterwards Lula was recognized as the strongest baby in the world, as documented and verified by many researchers.

Source: lemurov

Source: lemurov

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