I'm sure that many of us flush the toilet cistern as often as possible for sanitary purposes. I used to do it myself, but then my husband read somewhere that it was unsanitary, and he started to rarely flush the toilet. My indignation was boundless, and on this ground we even had had conflicts, but I decided to get to the bottom of why he acts in such a way. And now I do exactly the same.

Source: YouTube screenshot

Toilet hygiene

Scientists have found out that after flushing the water from the cistern, the bacteria from the toilet bowl spread out within a radius of 10 feet. It's E. coli, staphylococci, and other germs that swarm your toilet bowl. If anyone doesn't understand where they're coming from, the answer is obvious. These bacteria live in all feces. While a healthy person's urine is sterile and has only unpleasant odor, feces and spilled water from the toilet bowl are a bacterial environment.

Source: YouTube screenshot

This situation is especially dangerous when dirty water splashes all over the bathroom and can get on razors, toothbrushes, towels. In this case, you need to store them in special cases and lockers, and to reduce the contamination of these things, you should flush with the toilet lid closed. You can also periodically pour a cleaning solution into the toilet bowl to disinfect it, but the effect after the procedure lasts only for 2 hours.

Source: YouTube screenshot

Great water savings

If you have hot and cold water meters, you can save significantly by not using the toilet cistern too often. Of course, in some cases it is absolutely necessary, but if you're used to flushing water very often, your meters are counting extra water.

It is even better to ask a plumber to make a diversion of used water from the sink to the toilet cistern, this will help you save on water, as well as save natural resources.

How to get rid of unpleasant odor from the toilet bowl

If you flush the toilet less frequently for hygiene and economy, the question arises: what to do with the unpleasant smell of urine? Urine has an ammonia odor, which many people want to get rid of. To eliminate it you can install a hood or treat the toilet with special sanitary solutions.

Source: YouTube screenshot

More methods to get rid of the odor

To eliminate the urine odor, you can try vinegar, lavender and citrus oils, and orange peel. Orange peel should be sliced, dried, ground, and then added to water. This method is simple, but with regular use it efficiently eliminates the urine odor.

Source: fb.com

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