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In the sea depths, divers saw 28 transparent spheres: There were plants that normally grow on land

"We didn't realize what was waiting for us": Couple welcomes two sets of identical twins

"Bus shelter": Man who has buried 42 buses underground finally lets people inside

This seemingly tiny mobile home with a greenhouse has everything necessary for a comfortable life in just 320 square feet space

How Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell got detained by the police on their first date

Why Sylvester Stallone is hiding his son Sergio from journalists, details

Carpenter spent all his free time in the barn, and five years later he rolled out a 36-feet-long yacht: People saw a real masterpiece

Million Dollar Beauties: Celebrities who have undergone the most expensive transformation

Millionaire offers a woman $100,000 during the flight, but she refused: What he asked her to do

Treasure in a sock: Family finds their great grandmother's legacy worth a fortune

"It's our own business": Mother criticized for her 4-year-old daughter still wearing diapers

"My nasty neighbor is putting trash cans on my curb since he does not want to spoil the view of his yard"

Unique baby has been born carried by two mothers taking turns, details

To pay for university, the girl donated her egg, and 18 years later she finds out she has a daughter

"Preserving the beautiful": What the houses the owners of which refused to cut down the trees look like

My husband stopped flushing the toilet: At first I was outraged, but now I follow his example