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Scientists explained why we forget what we come into a room for, details

How to remove shrub and tree roots ruining the pavement near the house: Best working methods

Woman turns an old barn into a micro-mansion to have rest from her husband and two sons

Seductive singer Helen Kane: The life of the first icon of the 20th century to become a cartoon character

Woman returns $15,000 in cash found in a purse and is rewarded with a new car

Woman wanted to live on the water and bought an old rusty boat: Now her house is the envy of not only sailors

"Moving too fast for a jet": Pilot was filming clouds from the cockpit when a triangular object flew past

Guy searches trash cans outside millionaires' homes, then shows what rich people throw away

Couple was expecting a new addition to the family, but the addition exceeded their wildest expectations

People were helping this old lady for a year: Ten years later, she unexpectedly thanked them

$3 million underground bunker: What the housing of the future that is already full looks like

Gladys Baker's grim fate: Why the life of Marilyn Monroe's mother was so tragic, details

College student received a parking ticket and asked the artificial intelligence to write an explanation: The fine was cancelled

"Make look older": Mature skin makeup mistakes according to a beauty expert

End to a fairy tale: Famous women who have regrets about their marriages

Man with a fishing rod at sidewalk grates was being laughed at: After his income of thousands of dollars was revealed he was no longer ridiculed