Sonia Water, based in England, has devoted her entire life to her husband and two sons. At one point, she wanted to make her own corner where she could have privacy and feel comfortable.

Source: littlethings

Source: littlethings

"I didn't have a place in the house where I felt comfortable enough," Sonia says. At Sonia's request her husband Andrew renovated their old barn, which Sonia furnished herself.

Source: littlethings

Source: littlethings

Source: littlethings

Water bought all the furniture she needed at thrift stores which cost her a total of $1,300, and some things she got for nothing.

Source: littlethings

Source: littlethings

Indeed, the result is worth the effort!

Source: littlethings

Source: littlethings

Here Sonia likes to spend time alone or hang out with her friends, with whom she can have a chat over a cup of tea. And most importantly no men are allowed here.

Source: littlethings

Source: littlethings

Would you like to have such a refuge?

Source: littlethings

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