A passerby stopped to take a few pictures of the sunset on the coast, but that very second the Sun transformed. In front of the man's eyes, it began to tilt down and a strange object, visually resembling a black hole, formed around it.

Source: trendymen.com

Judging by the geotags, the video was recorded somewhere in Thailand. The passerby's attention to the sunset is quite obvious. The clouds were stretching toward the sun as if it was the star that was their source.

Source: trendymen.com

The scenery instantly changed. In one second, the Sun turned into a kind of black hole. Compare how this cosmic object looks:

Source: trendymen.com

And watch the video showing this natural wonder:

Of course, we are only talking about visual phenomenon here. Such an effect is due to a lucky set of circumstances.

Source: trendymen.com

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