This man from Sweden claims to have made a spontaneous journey to the future, where he met his 70-year-old self. He has even shot a video in which you can see their outward resemblance and identical tattoos.

This story took place back in 2006, when Håkan came home and saw that his kitchen floor was flooded with water. The man immediately set about repairing the leak in the pipe under the kitchen sink.

Håkan Nordqvist. Source: YouTube screenshot

"When I picked up the tool and stepped into the water, which seemed very strange to me (I didn't get my feet wet), the space around me started to change. Things started to disappear, everything was filled with light..." Håkan Nordqvist recalls.

"For a while I was weightless and a myriad of stars flew around me as if I had fallen down a wormhole. Then objects from the real world started to appear before me and I found myself in my own home, though it was completely different," Håkan continues.

Later the Swedish "time traveler" gave several interviews and there was even a documentary made about his journey through time.

Although it later turned out that this documentary was nothing more than a hidden advertising campaign for Sweden's third-largest insurance company, AMF. In spite of this, many viewers believed the events described, but most of all they were convinced by the videos in which Nordqvist starred with his aging copy.

Håkan Nordqvist and his 70-year-old self. Source: YouTube screenshot

The video went viral in 2006, was shown on TV, and was seriously discussed on many popular Internet sites at the time.

"When I realized I was in my own house, I almost immediately thought this was the future. Many things that could not be there caught my eye. But then something happened that I was both afraid of and hoping to see – a senior man looking about 70 years old walked into the room," Nordquist recalls.

This old man was strikingly similar to Håkan. They both smiled at the same time when they realized what had happened.

"I was incredibly surprised to see someone who looked exactly like me, only a few decades older. It was impossible to make a mistake. It was me, but only from the future," Nordquist says.

Håkan Nordqvist and his 70-year-old self. Source: YouTube screenshot

"So we stood there talking and it was a nice feeling, really a great feeling. He could understand me perfectly, and so could I. We did not discuss my future, because I saw that in 36 years I would be alive and in good health, and if he had told me some important information, everything could have been different," Håkan continues.

Luckily Nordqvist had his cell phone with him and took these striking shots of him standing next to his aging self. Just take a look at their identical tattoos on their right arm.

Nordquists' tattoos. Source: YouTube screenshot

"After a while (5-10 minutes), I had a strange sensation of losing touch with reality, as if something was slipping away from me and I couldn't hold on to it. That's how I knew it was time for me to go back," Nordquist says.

Håkan Sr. told his younger self it was time to leave. He took him to the kitchen, where there was a sort of 'time tunnel' under the sink.

So Nordqvist returned, with no more water on the kitchen floor, but his phone had striking footage of his senior self.

Source: dzen

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